Friday, April 23, 2010

Seattle SloppyCross

The only round of AMA Supercross that makes it's way to the Pacific NW is just a day a way. I'm excited to say that I'll be attending, and hopefully the rest of you will be able to squeeze into Qwest Field as well. The weather in Seattle can be less than favorable at times, and only the creator of the universe knows why they chose to put an un-covered stadium in a city that rarely sees the sun. But it has been dry the last two days, and the forecast only calls for a 30% chance of wetness, so it should be a good race.

Chad Reed was supposed to be absent from the Seattle round, as he's any minute away from becoming a dad. But it has just been made news that he's in for tomorrow, but is on call to leave at any moment to go be with his wife, Ellie. It'll be good to see the valiant Aussie mixing things up a bit. Good luck skippy.

Sadly, his Kawi stable-mate is going to be missing from all the remaining Supercross rounds.
Villopoto broke his tib-fib at St. Louis, and may even be missing from the National 'chip this summer. He's pretty banged up, and I know I'm not alone in saying I can't wait until he's back. Rumor has it that the Zulu Warrior, Grant Langston, might possibly pick up the vacant KX-F spot for the outdoors.

Hope everyone has a helluva time at the race, and for those that don't get to go, well that's what TV and DVR is for. Chime in on who you think is gonna take the top steps of the podium come tomorrow night. My money's on Ice Trey Canard and K-Dub for his final win of his career. So if my crystal ball is still working properly, it should be a good night for Geico Powersports Honda.

I'd love to go with the hometown kid of Josh Hill, but he's still battling rib injuries, and just the fact that he's even out there is a testament to what a trooper he really is. From Josh's Twitter: "@JosHill75 I've only got 5 more days to figure out how to not get 13th and pick up 2nd in points, goodnight." Good luck Josh, you know the N-Dub fans will have your back!

See ya'll at the racing course.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Dear old Dad

I'm sure we all remember how we got started in this sport we call motocross. A dusty field somewhere, maybe some hand me down gear, and more butterflies than you could catch in a lifetime. Starting up your little bike for the first time, getting the hang of the throttle and brake, then putting around a little as you try to establish your balance like a scene straight out of Bambi (You mean that wimpy dear?). Sure, the story varies for everyone a little bit. Maybe you had some brand new gear, or maybe you learned to ride in the parking lot of your local track. I think it's safe to say our stories all have one thing in common; our old man.

It's not a stretch to say that our dads had a pretty big influence on us, and why we choose to risk life and limb on any given Sunday, at tracks across the world. I'm no different. My dad rode, and his dad before him rode. To this day my dad is often at the track to watch me and help me learn. My friends show up at the track with their pops, and my closest competition on the track shows up with their dads, as well. Local pro's will bring their dad's along to do the all important role of mechanic/truck driver/food provider/moral support. Famous legends of the sport like RC, James, and Showtime all had close relationships with their dads throughout their entire careers, and still do to this day.
Fathers day is a little ways away, still, but it's never a bad time to find the one you call Dad, and tell him thanks, give him a pat on the back, or find someway to let him know you respect the hell out of him for all he's done for you. Whether you realize it or not, he probably busted his ass to get you your bikes and gear your whole life. Motocross aint cheap, but that wasn't gonna stop him from getting his son or daughter out there to have the time of their lives. I can still remember my dad starting up my little '84 CR-60, giving me a little push to get me going, and running along side me, as I wobbled around like it was my first time on two-wheels. Think back to your days learning to ride with your dad, and don't ever forget 'em.
I am, by no means, trying to downplay the role moms, brothers and sisters, and even grandparents had in getting us to where we are today. I've seen plenty of moms show up at the tracks with their kids, countless times. And for that, we thank you. But the term isn't "mini-dad" for no reason. Dad's are how this sport keeps thriving, as the love of dirt and motorcycles gets passed on.